LEWISTON — The New England Theatre Conference has awarded the prestigious Moss Hart Memorial Award for Community Theater for 2009 to Out of the Box Theater for its production of “Medea,” performed in August at DownStage at L/A Arts.

The Greek tragedy by Euripides with adaptation by Robinson Jeffers was directed by Linda Britt with assistant director Stan Spilecki, co-founders of the young theater company. They will receive the award on Nov. 14 at a banquet during the NETC Annual Convention in Sturbridge, Mass.

The annual Moss Hart Memorial Award honors the memory of Moss Hart, dramatist and director; and recognizes outstanding theatrical productions throughout New England that affirm human courage and dignity, have strong literary and artistic merit, and give the playwright’s intent fresh, imaginative and creative treatment.

“Medea,” the timeless story of a woman scorned seeking vengeance, was performed in a theater-in-the round setting — with the audience an arm’s length away. Seeing every facial twitch, every smoldering eye and the slightest of body movements, audience members were easily drawn into the action.

Britt cast “Medea” with seasoned actors. Ellen Peters played Medea; Matthew Delamater portrayed her husband, Jason; and their two children were played by Luka and Sophia Baskett. Cheryl Reynolds was the revered nurse devoted to Medea. Mark Hazard played Creon, King of Cornish; and Gerry Therrien had the King of Athens role. The sympathetic women of Cornish were played by Rachel Spilecki, Jackie McDonald and Michelle Jacobus. Jason Pelletier was the slave, and John Blanchette was the children’s tutor.

Stan Spilecki also served as lighting and scenic designer and technical director; Blanchette was producer; Michelle Washburn, stage manager; Jackie McDonald, costume chair, assisted by Loretta Perry and Naomi York; Robert and Dante Baskett, managed the house; Jeff Soifer, assistant scenic designer and production photographer; Melody Driscoll, rehearsal prompter; Rachel Morin, publicist; and Becca Spilecki, props.

Jason (Matthew Delamater) and Medea (Ellen Peters) clash as she faces the breakup of their marriage, separation from their children and exile from her homeland.

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