100 years ago, 1917
Frank Farmer of West Auburn sustained rather a severe loss Saturday morning as the result of a runaway. Included in the inventory of the loss is a delivery pung, formerly in good condition, now nearly worthless, and several gallons of perfectly good milk. Mr. Farmer is a milk dealer and Saturday morning he came to Auburn to make his regular delivery. Olfene’s Public Market being on his list, he stopped there and left the horse standing near the car tracks. While he was in the store the horse became frightened and bolted. He ran down Court Street at terrific speed, dodging autos, teams and telephone poles, and proceeded without mishap until he approached a point in where the runners of the sleigh caught in the tracks and in a flash street was filled with milk bottles, carriers and milk cans, and gasping spectators beheld a stream of pure rich milk running down the gutter into the sewer. It was small wonder that they gasped, with milk at nine cents a quart.

50 years ago, 1967
The temporary relocation of the Lewiston Civil Defense headquarters to the Lincoln Street fire substation will require the approval of the Lewiston Fire Commission, it was learned Friday night. CD Director G. Daniel Myrand told the council he had received notification from the library trustees that his agency “must move out.”

25 years ago, 1992
Lewiston teachers are of three minds regarding site-based management: Some love the idea, some are “cautious fence-sitters” who want to know more about it before they commit themselves, and some don’t want any part of it. That was the picture that building principals painted of their staffs during Monday’s School Committee meeting. Site-based management seeks to decentralize decision-making in the school system, encouraging instead a collaborative effort of administrators, teachers and parents at individual schools.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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