The United States faces a test. We have always valued the system of three independent branches of government. We value the tradition of a free press and free speech enshrined in the First Amendment. For 241 years, the United States has survived many crises because the system has proved resilient and able to temper the poor judgments of its leaders.

Now, the nation faces the presidency of Donald Trump, a man with no political experience, who won a very narrow electoral victory, losing the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. Nevertheless, he claims a mandate to govern. So far, his actions are cause for serious concern by Democrats and many Republicans.

• He is trying to institute a radical immigration policy that will deprive this nation of many hardworking, loyal people who add value to their communities.

• He is working to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would deprive millions of Americans, including friends and family members, of quality health care.

• He has appointed members to his cabinet who seek to destroy the departments they are leading.

• He has mysterious ties to Russia, an unfriendly state that interfered in the U.S. election process to help Trump.


• He cannot tolerate criticism and regularly and angrily lashes out at critics, including the free press.

He is a threat to this nation’s democracy, and the public must insist that their elected officials in Congress do their jobs and actively oppose his autocratic actions.

Are they up to the task? We shall see.

Bill Frayer, Lewiston

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