Mystery Photo for February 26, 2017

Mystery Photo for February 26, 2017

If you can identify where this photo was taken, contact us at or call 207-689-2896 and leave a voice mail with your answer, your name, town and phone number. Correct entries will be eligible for a drawing for a $20 Hannaford Supermarkets gift card. Find the Mystery Photo online at

For last week’s Mystery Photo, there were many incorrect guesses identifying grange halls all through the state. The correct grange hall in the photo is the Turner Grange. Once a thriving organization, it is now owned by Jim Talbot of Turner, who holds auctions there periodically under the name Charles M. Talbot Associates, named for his father. According to the Turner Historical Society website, Turner Grange #23 was organized in 1876 in Turner Center. The Grange was organized for the benefit of agriculture and most of the farmers of the early 1900s belonged. They could exchange ideas and new techniques in farming. It was a fraternal organization that men, women and children could belong to and enjoy. Meetings would include business and the lecturer would have a program for all to enjoy. Most meetings would include a supper, so the whole family would stay for the day. The winner, chosen in a random drawing, is Rod Newman of Livermore. He grew up in Turner and easily recognized the photo, as he used to see it every day when he went past it on his way to school.

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