LEWISTON — Elizabeth Peavey, a Portland-based writer, performer and educator, and Anne Cardale, program director for the Maine Senior College Network, led the Lewiston-Auburn Senior College’s Food for Thought class recently.

Held at the University of Southern Maine’s Lewiston-Auburn College, the class titled “We ZOOM — How About You?” discussed the logistics of taking an online memoir-writing class using a computer, laptop, iPad or iPhone.

The 40-plus participants got to see class participants from around the state – Jim Walker from Auburn, Joan Miller from the Machias area and Nancy Roe from Presque Isle — through the ZOOM Video Conference application. Each shared a brief description of their experience with the online class and their memoir stories.

Three other class members from the Auburn area, Sue Donar, Mary Jane Beardsley and Rachel Morin, shared their experiences and answered questions.

Peavey discussed the logistics for teaching an online video conference class and how she met with all class participants every other week through the ZOOM application.

“Not everybody is a writer, but everybody can tell a story,” she said. 

Cardale said with over 7,000 members statewide, the need to experiment with technology advancements to increase access to seniors is critical. Although there are 17 Senior College locations throughout the state, some seniors experience mobility challenges, so using technology in their home is one way to increase access to classes.

The next memoir-writing class is Tuesday, Feb. 28. Contact Cardale at acardale@maine.edu for information.

The next Food for Thought session is Friday, March 10, in Room 170 of the USM-L-A college. Tanya Vanasse will present “My Fear Factor Live Reality TV Experience.”

Anne Cardale, left, program director for the Maine Senior College Network, and Elizabeth Peavey, a Portland-based writer, performer and educator, led the Lewiston-Auburn Senior College’s Food for Thought class recently.

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