The Constitution of the United States was written for the people, but our politicians, for some reason, don’t take it seriously. In short, “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, Establish justice, tranquility and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity for all …” has somewhat been revised to the politicians’ benefit. Their salaries, health and pension benefits are among the best in the country.

Corporate greed and special interests have completely taken over our White House.

Most politicians feel that once they can talk the voters into electing them to the Legislature, they are all set for life. All they have to do is suck up to corporate greed every now and then, like a bunch of leeches, while bleeding the taxpayers to death.

Big government has taken over, while private enterprise is slowly diminishing. Legislators do most of the spending and have complete control of taxation.

When voting, let us remind politicians that the Constitution was written for the people, not for them. It is important, especially now, when the country has an unpopular president with no creditability whatsoever, and a majority of the politicians are just trying to get our votes so they can continue abusing the Constitution.

Joe Voisine, Lewiston

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