I am writing to encourage all residents of Dixfield to attend the town meeting on May 22. There are roughly 2,600 residents, but only 75 to 150 are attending the meetings and making the decisions for all to follow.

I feel we need to protect our elderly and the young who, we hope, will have great memories of growing up in this town.

Most people feel one person can’t change things or make a difference. That is true only for those who choose not to attend.

People can make a big difference and should try to make the meetings. That way they can help keep this town an affordable and welcoming place to live.

Remember, our forefathers fought for the freedom we have today.

Most of us have had those freedoms all our lives and we sometimes take them for granted. We must not let them slip away. The community needs to unite to overcome hard times.

Bill Gallant, Dixfield

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