The wind turbine project in the Roxbury and Byron area would not completely solve the acid rain and global warming problems facing this country. But the renewable wind power would be a good beginning for reducing the dependency on fossil fuels used to generate approximately three-quarters of Maine’s energy.

The information used by certain people and associated groups opposed to wind power is not based on any facts or common sense. The majority of that information is used as scare tactics for residents in areas proposed for future wind projects, and all other projects those people dislike.

I would point out that the construction of the proposed wind farm would be a large project, built within certain state specifications. The roads would be small, gravel roads, 16 feet wide, more or less, to service the turbines when completed. Concrete would be airlifted to the mountaintop by helicopters. There would be very little clearing for each turbine – possibly one acre. The turbines have governors to control the rotation speed and noise. Eagles are not found nesting on mountaintops; they prefer nesting near lakes, swamps and rivers. Deer do not yard on ledge mountaintops with scrub spruce trees. The roads would probably be gated to protect the wind farm from intruders. The turbines are self-contained to limit and prevent forest fires.

I commend the people of Roxbury for their concerns to the environment using a clean, renewable resource.

Richard A. McInnis, Rumford

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