A teacher in Auburn allegedly molesting a child; birth control pills becoming available to kids in Portland; inappropriate books in Lewiston and Auburn libraries and elsewhere. Whatever happened to baseball, basketball or, for some who aren’t that aggressive, tennis?

We have come a long way, but parents have put the cart in front of the horse. They must now stand up for their children. If they don’t, who will? Those in public office should spend their two cents and get into the fight.

Two wrongs will never make a right.

And is state Sen. Bill Diamond the only person interested enough to see that drivers with suspended licenses stop driving? I applaud Cumberland County Sheriff Mark Dion, as well.

On another topic, I wonder why chain gangs are so effective in the South. I can picture the building of a park or a boat ramp with a sign, “Constructed with labor from Androscoggin County Jail.” Can anyone imagine what Bradbury Mountain would look like after 20 prisoners worked on it for two days a week for a month?

Ed Madden, Lisbon Falls

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