As a boater with nearly 400 hours on Long Lake to Sebago in the last four years, I have a good grasp of what takes place on the lakes. I’m saddened by the tragedy that took place on Long Lake on Aug. 11. It affected many of us. We can knee-jerk and ban certain watercraft, create laws and fingerpoint, but nothing we do or say will bring those people back. But to say Long Lake can’t support a 30-foot boat is untrue.

We travel daily on roads 30 feet wide, passing oncoming cars, tractor trailers or motorcycles and think nothing of it, missing each vehicle by not much more than the width of our vehicles at 50 to 60 mph plus. The lake is a half-mile wide and can easily support boats of this size.

It’s not the craft, it’s the operator. Misuse of a kayak, canoe or a misplaced step on a hiking trail can be fatal. The record shows boating can be a safe recreational activity. Common sense needs to be used, day or night.

I feel much safer on Long Lake than even one minute on our highways. My two daughters are a great deal safer on our boat than on a crowded school bus on the deathtrap road this state calls Route 117 to Norway. We do not need any new, unenforceable laws or discriminatory bans on our lake, just more common sense and caution.

Robert Wilcox, Harrison

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