I was saddened by events of Aug. 9, the day my sister-in-law was interred at Gracelawn Memorial Cemetery.

I was amazed many people cut the funeral procession, honked horns and hollered. Where has respect for our fellow man gone? Years ago processions were respected and treated with dignity.

I hope that when these rude, disrespectful people find themselves in a procession for their loved one, they will not display such disgusting acts of disrespect. I hope they will come across people like ourselves, who respect the deceased and yearn only for them to be laid to rest with dignity and respect from their fellow neighbors.

Unfortunately, there is no law stating a vehicle must allow no disruption in a funeral procession, so it has always depended on the compassion and respect of fellow neighbors. How sad this no longer works.

I witnessed only one gentleman, who despite the heat that day and the confusion of the construction, pulled over to the right and allowed our family to pass. He was sitting in a small, blue vehicle to the right of the intersection. God bless that man, whoever he is – I will forever remember that at least one gentleman showed respect for my sister-in-law and our family.

I hope if only one person who sees a procession line with funeral markers attached, they will rethink their actions and do the compassionate thing. Maybe that one person will lead others to follow suit.

Dolly Eastman, New Gloucester

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