We should make America a democracy.

In the 1700s, having a president chosen by the Electoral College was the solution for low-technology times. Now, there’s no reason we can’t have a president elected by the people. Democracies already exist in several countries. Aotearoa/New Zealand is just one example.

Our present system has had the Supreme Court, on one occasion, and the Electoral College, on several occasions, appoint people who were rejected by the voters. When you think about the personal sacrifice of Jefferson, and so many others who strived toward democracy, do you feel we’re falling short?

Political commentators point out that political machines have promoted people able to raise obscene campaign contributions, rather than those fit to lead. Why should wealth pre-select who is offered to the voters?

Going to Unity08.com and signing up as a delegate allows every registered voter to fulfill America’s dream, democracy.

Tom Bulger, Wilton

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