We octogenarians have been identified as the Greatest Generation. Right or wrong, we have another job to do before we leave the planet.

We thought we were done after the Great Depression and World War II. Those challenges were met and most of us survived to turn the reins of these United States over to the kids who followed. Well, thanks to one of those kids, we have one more national crisis to overcome.

Our country is in a so-called war because the current president is truth-challenged.

This president and his gang of greed mongers have wrecked the economy, ruined health care support for us oldsters, the poor and otherwise needy, set environmental progress back decades, generated a phony and underfunded education program, ignored the veterans (including those of this mess in Iraq), would starve our kids in their retirement years with a cockamamie Social Security program, and are creating a national debt beyond comprehension. This is only a partial list and ignores, for example, the 1,700 kids who met death in the dust bin of Iraq.

So, I say to my Greatest Generation colleagues, the time has come for us to hit the streets. Our generation must hitch ’em up one more time and march. The guy in the White House is unworthy of the title “president.” He is leading this country into the valley of the shadow of death and his gang of lemmings is idiotic enough to follow.

Jack McKee, Kingfield

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