The recent public hearing before the Natural Resources Committee on L.D. 99, an act to improve water quality in the Androscoggin River, was a fascinating experience.

The State House was bursting at the seams with citizens who had taken time away from work or school to make their voices heard on this important issue. It was sadly obvious from body language, facial expression and pointed and even rude questions from several members of the committee that their opinions on the matter were unaffected by public opinion.

That’s understandable for one member, Tom Saviello, because he’s employed by International Paper. But one would hope the other members of the committee would keep an open mind about what clearly is in the public interest: Restoring our river helps restore our communities.

Thanks to all private citizens who attended the hearing. I continue to hope that the democratic process can prevail as the battle continues.

Gregory D’Augustine, Greene

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