I have to wonder how many children have to die, how many lives have to be ruined at the hands of convicted pedophiles? When will it stop?

It will stop when the public holds people responsible who allow those things to happen.

Let me start with sex offenders. I believe that first-time offenders, upon conviction, should go to jail for a minimum of 10 years, with no possibility of parole. Jail for life for a second offense. If a child is killed, the offender should have a trial and, if found guilty, be publicly executed by firing squad. That’s right – six men with six rifles, one bullet each. Then the killer would no longer be able to hurt anyone else.

After that, the judges and lawyers and parole board officials should be investigated as accessories to murder and, if found guilty, they should go to jail. As is sometimes the case, sex offenders are let out much too early, just to commit more crimes.

Liberals can call me hateful, mean or backward. But, as I said earlier, the killing won’t stop until society is willing to execute the pedophile murderers and then hold the officials accountable who let those people back onto the streets.

Paul Lowell, Rumford

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