It is time for Passover, the Jewish holiday that remembers the escape of Jews from Egyptian slavery. A fitting way for all people, Jewish and otherwise, to commemorate this holiday is to work to end contemporary forms of slavery.

The Jewish kosher rules reflect an understanding that animals are capable of suffering, and we must do our best to reduce the suffering that animals endure as they die by our hands. I urge all people to celebrate Passover by extending the kosher rules to end the suffering of animals on factory farms. By replacing the egg with a flower, and the bone with a beet, our Seder plate becomes vegan and that much more compassionate.

As we celebrate Jewish freedom from slavery, let’s start working toward ending the enslavement of animals on factory farms by going vegan this Passover season. No meat, dairy or eggs. Lots of vegetables, fruits, grains, beans and nuts.

Gregory Rosenthal, Lewiston

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