Last year, homosexual activists created a domestic partnership registry within Maine’s Department of Human Services. As a result, all of Maine’s taxpayers are now party to a scheme that seeks to legitimize relationships that are illicit.

This initial effort to redefine the family is picking up steam this year with the introduction of the Gov. Baldacci’s homosexual-rights bill and the accompanying effort to eliminate Maine’s Defense of Marriage Act. And we can be certain that there is a lot more redefining going on in various bills and regulations that are beyond our capacity to track.

The Christian Civic League of Maine is a small force, indeed, when compared to the enormous political, legal, commercial and cultural behemoth that is at work both overtly and covertly to establish an anti-family agenda. These forces are so powerful that they succeeded in pressuring the Roman Catholic Church to endorse homosexual rights in 2000. The diocese’s position on homosexual rights for Maine is still unclear, even at this very moment.

This particular political dust-up is quite remarkable. It is less like a hurricane with well-defined walls than a squall with winds going every which way.

Any reasonable person who seeks truth in this debate is sure to get his or her arguments in a tangle. And that is why discussions on this issue die out so quickly. Either people get disgusted with discussions about homosexuality, or they get bored with the airy arguments of our “intellectuals” who feel they have to dream up a definition of marriage that makes sodomy and sex outside of marriage a pro-family activity protected by the constitution and every other standard of justice known to mankind – except for, of course, the Bible. In a bizarre reversal of all our customs and traditions, it is now the Bible that is subject to scrutiny and moral disapproval, not sodomy.

Once this political dust storm blows over, I’m praying that marriage can be cleaned up and restored to its former glory. God knows it has suffered terribly at the hands of the liberals since the introduction of the sexual revolution 30 years ago. Things have gotten progressively worse – first divorce, then abortion, then domestic violence, then child abuse – until now the thinking of many on the left is so degraded that they believe a man should be allowed to marry a man, or a woman a woman. This is not progress, it is decadence; and I am frankly shocked, as all reasonable people ought to be, that America can no longer see it for what it really is.

The best thing I can do now is to attempt to stop the homosexual-rights movement. If it can be stopped, then we can get on with reforming the laws that pertain to marriage and the family. It is going to take a long time to get things straightened out. But it is worth taking whatever time is needed.

Those who wish to impose the homosexual agenda on the rest of Maine, against the will of the majority of the people, will continue to claim they are “progressive,” and they will continue to call me “homophobic.” Sen. Peter Mills did try to add something new to this tired, worn-out, liberal mantra last week, by suggesting that I am “bitter.”

I am not bitter. I am, however, as are most Mainers, getting tired of politicians who think they know better than the rest of us. We are also growing tired of people who push a hidden agenda, while publicly proclaiming there is no such thing. They remember when homosexual activists swore to the public six ways to Sunday that their fight wasn’t about marriage. Now, of course, we all know better.

Now they are calling for the bizarre oxymoron called “same-sex marriage” – but “not just yet.” We all know there is only one reason Augusta’s politicians won’t put this back on the ballot again. They know they will lose by a bigger margin than ever before. For the longest time, we believed that the politicians in Augusta were there to represent the people. On this issue, they aren’t.

As every weatherman knows, dust storms die out when the sun sets in the western sky. Let’s hope that after three decades, the sun is finally setting on this particular political dust-up.

Michael S. Heath is the executive director of the Christian Civic League of Maine.

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