While not a great fan of FDR, he did get a few things right. He saw the visions of Social Security and WPA were good things that Hoover could not get accomplished, but the country needed. He picked up the ball, greased the skids of government and got them done. He rose to the challenge of World War II and the country prospered. The U.S. recognized the threat and helped defeat the world tyrants. We rebuilt a large portion of the world that needed it, and we prospered. The greatest quote of that time still applies: “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”

Now, to keep us in line and cover up numerous sins, the government, with the aid of the media, is burgeoning with new bureaucratic fearmongers, spewing fear of terrorist attacks, collapse of Social Security and any other thing that will stir our fears. Remember the propaganda of the Cold War, when Russia was credited with many subversive events it had nothing to do with? These new terrorists are not that omnipotent.

Newspeak is in. Individual freedom is out. Take away our guns, shut down private aviation, regulate every square inch of property, turn off freedom of information access, all in the name of security and to keep the oil and foreign profits flowing to the greedy.

Per Pogo, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

Wake up, America, before we lose all of our freedoms. Change course.

Elbert Derick, Wales

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