This is in response to Dr. Kuck’s letter published Feb 16.

Yes, there were a number of protesters at President Bush’s speech. They were exercising their constitutional right of free speech from government authorized “free speech zones.” Since Bush has been in office, protesters have not been allowed within sight or sound of high government officials.

Fascism, as defined by Bonito Mussolini, is a marriage of business and government. George W. has done an outstanding job of promoting this concept. Amongst his accomplishments are drastically scaled back Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations and enforcement as well as counseling employers in how to classify workers to avoid paying overtime.

Adolph Hitler was elected to office by a democratic process. After he took office, he usurped his dictatorial powers. Meanwhile, our president seems to be doing his best to concentrate power in the executive branch and minimize the judicial and legislative branches.

The Taliban believe in their hearts that the world would be better off if only everyone followed the teachings of the Prophet. So every government should enforce Islamic law. Just as the religious right believes people in every country should follow Jesus Christ and enact laws that follow their interpretation of Christianity.

Those protesters did not find fault with the American values. No, they endorsed them. They were just appalled at secret prisons with secret prisoners and American citizens being held for months and years without charges or trial.

John West, Lewiston

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