Thomas Jefferson wrote that every government that’s not under the people’s control degenerates.

Did you know that at the local level there are town meetings where less than 10 percent of that town’s voters participate? Too many voters in small towns are pessimists. When asked why they don’t vote, the answers are: I don’t trust any official running; they’re all crooks. Or, I’m teaching them not to run by not voting for them. Or, my vote doesn’t count. Or, they stuff the ballot box and get all their friends to vote for them, so what good is it to vote?

Author Oscar Wilde once said a pessimist is one who, when he has a choice of two evils, chooses both.

Perhaps one needs to look at any town government when its officials seek to fill vacant positions from other towns.

An out-of-date Maine law allows town officials to put anyone from anywhere into certain town positions although these people live out of the area.

I think every Maine town needs a town charter in order to stop selectmen from doing this.

Any law that allows a town selectman to use his or her position to appoint or see an out-of-town relative or friend put into any position is wrong.

Is it time to review the town meeting form of government? Do you control your town government or does it control you? Maybe it’s time to clean up or get rid of any problems there.

Bob Burton, Industry

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