For the past 49 years, there has been a general consensus in Lewiston-Auburn and the vicinity that the Maine Turnpike Authority has been less than fair with the tolls charged to the people of this area.

In reviewing the new tolls to be effective Feb. 1, it appears that this state of affairs will remain the same once again.

Let’s assume that a person from each of the four following areas, Augusta, Lewiston-Auburn, Gray and Wells, wants to go to the Portland mall area or Jetport and return home by way of the Maine Turnpike or equivalent type road.

The person from Augusta will take I-295 and will pay nothing for the 140-mile trip. The person from the Lewiston-Auburn area will pay $3.10 for the 70-mile trip. The person from from Gray will pay $1.20 for the 36-mile trip. The person from Wells will also pay $1.20 for the 52-mile trip.

On a per-mile basis, Augusta pays nothing, Lewiston-Auburn pays four-and-four-tenth cents, Gray pays three-and-one-third cents and Wells pays two-and-one third cents.

Mr. Violette and the MTA need to give the people of Lewiston-Auburn and vicinity an explanation of this sizable discrepancy. Are our two representatives on the seven-person MTA board looking out for our interest? If so, how do they justify such large differences?

Jean Paul Labonte, Greene

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