Three cheers for Rex Rhoades and another three for Leonard Pitts. They are on target, Rhoades on Nov. 7 and Pitts on Nov. 10. Let me join their commitment to the ring of immorality. I voted for John Kerry. His sense of morality is grounded on ministering to those in need.

Bush was not elected by a thundering crowd of evangelical fundamentalists. They were but one small band of misled Bushies. Some people liked Bush. Some were fearful of the old “don’t change horses in the midstream” thesis. That may have some logic, even if a misguided driver took us there.

The evangelical moralists ignore the real moral issues: health care, 1,400-plus flag-draped coffins coming home from Iraq, selling Social Security down the drain, violating God’s environment, ignoring the food-energy-prescription drug dance old folks go through monthly, and the list goes on.

Rhoades wrote, “I firmly believe that our government is on a morally reprehensible path.” If anything, that is a gross understatement.

Pitts wrote he voted for John Kerry “from a conviction that Bush’s peculiar combination of faith-based zealotry and utter incompetence constitute a clear and present danger to national security and international stability.”

The great uniter crowed, after Nov. 2, it’s my way or the highway.

Be thankful we live in a blue state, the land of independence, common sense and concern for our fellow women and men.

We may have to fight for our own freedom before that gang is done.

Jack McKee, Kingfield

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