I was most dismayed by Rex Rhoades’ post-election screed Nov. 7. Just as he woke up a moral person Wednesday morning, I woke up a moral person, too. I am not a “jihadist” because I do not subscribe to his moral or political philosophy. His morality is no more self-evident – and thus above argument – than mine. We live in a democracy, rather than a “judiocracy,” thus the people in their majority decide what is socially acceptable – not appointed judges.

There is nothing in life I am prouder of than my daughter. I raised her to be moral, and she is indeed a moral person, yet she’s a Kerry Democrat and a Yankees fan. One of her best friends is a vehement Bush supporter. I raised my daughter to understand that simply because someone doesn’t see life from your perspective does not make him or her bad.

It’s too bad Rex Rhoades misses that simple lesson.

Andrew Hall, Lewiston

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