The headline May 18 is indeed devastating and heartbreaking for the family of Robert Levesque (“Deal in sled death”).

The office of the district attorney had 15 months to prepare a case and should have won an unquestioned verdict. But, once again, the case was messed up to the extreme disgust and dismay of the citizens who have placed their trust in law and order at their door.

The prosecutors should quietly and quickly submit their resignations and go back to the private sector for employment where you actually work to get a paycheck. This is not a single incident. These behind-the-door deals are a daily occurrence and do a great injustice to the silent majority in these communities. The public, the taxpayers who give the money for the prosecutors, deserves much better for the buck.

This newspaper does a good job of reporting the monthly grand jury indictments. How about following up with Superior Court news as you do with the lesser crimes in District Court?

My sympathy continues for Mr. Levesque’s family and for the dozens of other families whose daily lives have not been allowed to return to normal because of plea bargains agreed to with the prosecutor’s office.

Tom Fredericks Jr., Lewiston

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