Ulysses S. Grant, in a speech at Des Moines, Iowa, in 1875, said: “Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church and the private school, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and the state forever separate.”

Some religious groups are trying to instill their intolerance into our Constitution by changing it to define marriage as between a “man and a woman.” There are some things I would never consider doing, body piercing for example. If it makes some people happy to do that fine. It does not hurt me at all.

Don E. Widman, founder and chairman of the American Family Association, has sent out e-mails urging people to contact their senators and congressmen and demand that the United States Constitution be changed. He says we must do this for the children. He will not like it, and some of them will not like it, but a percent of these children will be gay.

That is the way it is and has always been. Some of these gays will commit suicide, some will lead miserable lives, some may be killed or tortured by hate groups, some will find happiness with a partner, a loving family and friends.

He wants a constitutional amendment to prevent their only positive alternative.

Nancy Willard, Woodstock

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