Senate President Beverly Daggett has tarnished the institution she presides over.

She rigged the Senate vote committee with more Democrats than Republicans to ensure the election of a Democrat to a disputed seat. She broke Senate precedent by dictating to the Republican caucus which senators would fill slots allotted to the Republican caucus – normally a decision left up to caucus leadership.

She freely gives excused absences to members of her own party while giving unexcused absences to members on the other side of the aisle when they need to be with sick members of their family.

Now she is abusing her power over the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability. Under recent legislation, she is required to make appointments to the office’s oversight committee. She delayed for almost a year because she didn’t approve of the office’s objectives. When she was faced with a Senate order forcing her to make those appointments, she appointed herself and the Democratic floor leaders to what is supposed to be a bipartisan committee in an attempt to obstruct the implementation of OPEGA.

Sen. Daggett has not served Maine well in her position.

Matt Mower, Lewiston

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