The last election was extremely close, and polls are showing that this year’s election will be as well. Young people, 18- to 24-years-old, make up one of the most under-represented voting blocs. Many young people don’t realize that they can make a difference in this year’s election.

This year is a time for young voters to get out and make their voices heard. As politicians start to see an increase in youth voting, they will start focusing on the issues young people care about.

I encourage anyone who has turned 18 to register and then vote. Only then will decision makers talk about the young people’s job market, college loans and their desire for a cleaner environment. Candidates will listen to young people’s options about the war in Iraq, and pay attention to the needs of young people as active citizens.

Young people need to use their rights as citizens to influence the future of our country.

Paulette Dingley, Auburn

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