The town of Turner should not be blamed for the confrontation with SAD 52.

I attended the May meeting on the old Leavitt Institute contract because it was brought to my attention that the school board was planning on using some of the classroom space at the Turner Primary School if it did not come to an agreement with the town.

The space it was thinking about using is now used for Head Start and a child daycare center.

Turner should stick to its guns on this contract. The town should not be held responsible for school board foolishness.

The school board chose to sell the building to the town during the construction of the new Leavitt building.

Now, once again, SAD 52 finds itself without enough space.

The fact is the town repaired and purchased the building because the school had no use for it. So, now let the school board take care of its own problems.

The town put up the money needed to restore the building and it should be able to charge what it wants without fuss from everyone in the district.

If the people are upset because of the cost they should take it up with the school board.

Had the school board thought ahead before selling this building we would not be having problems now.

I hope the school board will not go ahead and use classrooms. Early education is far more important than having a place to answer the phones.

Rebecca Hinckley, Leeds

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