Why go to war? We don’t have that many problems here at home, like the homeless, the hungry, the unemployed, our elderly who have to have prescriptions that are so high they barely makes ends meat. We don’t have that many people who are murdered every year, not to mention rapists, child molesters, burglaries, grand theft, drive by shootings, gangs and alcohol related crimes.

The government allows alcohol advertisements, and antidepressants and antianxiety drugs, even when these drugs put people in la la land, but other drugs are real bad and you can get locked up for life.

Now the government wants to take away some veterans benefits, but our representatives can have a great benefit plan and they just increased their salaries, although most have never served in the military.

It’ OK when CEOs takes the small guy’s life savings, but the guy who stole a loaf of bread goes to jail.

The government can’t find the person responsible for the anthrax mailings and can’t find Osama bin laden, but that’s OK. We’ll just go to a country that wasn’t starting any trouble with us because Mr. Bush has to punish someone for Sept. 11. Let’s pick on Saddam.

It’s important for Mr. Bush to kill innocent bystanders because of one person, so let’s spend billions of dollars to destroy and kill lots of people even from our own country.

That’s what is important to our government.

Joyce Giasson, Rumford

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