LEWISTON – The city’s annual National Night Out will be held on this evening from 5 to 8 p.m. at Marcotte Park.

National Night Out has historically proven successful in heightening crime and drug prevention awareness; generating support for and participation in local anti-crime efforts; strengthening neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and sending forth a message that neighborhoods are organized and united.

Highlights of this year’s event include free food, pony rides, arts and crafts, face painting, a moon walk, music, the Lewiston Police Department’s 10-foot Walk-A-Bout police officer named Officer Pal, and raffles. Police will also have a cruiser on site, and the Fire Department will have a firetruck at the event.

This year’s celebration will be sponsored by the Lewiston Police Athletic League, the Lewiston Police Department and the Lewiston Recreation & Parks Department.

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