FARMINGTON — Children had a chance to learn new farming skills and then show them off in the first ever Jr. Farmers’ Frolic at the 178th annual Farmington Fair Saturday.

Organizer Judy Smith said the event was one of many new activities introduced this year that are meant to engage younger children. Other activities throughout the week included a costume contest, pie-eating contest, and daily bike raffles.

The horse show ring was transformed into an imaginary farm complete with potatoes to dig, eggs to collect, hay to move, livestock to tend, and goods to take to the market.

“We pretended we had an animal in the pen. Kids shoveled sawdust into a wheelbarrow and then put it in the pen. Then they watered the animal,” explained Smith.

Children also had the chance to mimic milking a cow using a calf feeder bottle.

Ben Sirois, 6, of Brunswick, placed first in the competition and said his favorite activity was digging for potatoes.


Luke Huntington, 5, of Turner, who placed second said he liked collecting eggs. The activity was not a new one for the young farmer.

“We have hens at home and I take care of them,” Huntington explained.

Milking the cow topped Charlotte Sirois’ list of favorite activities. Charlotte, 6, of Brunswick placed third.

“I think it is good to have more activities for younger kids and we will continue next year,” Smith said.

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