LIVERMORE FALLS — Among the 55 vendors participating in the 20th Annual Apple Pumpkin Festival were several from Farmington and Wilton.

The Mt. Blue High School robotics team, Blue Crew, returned this year to raise money for the upcoming competition season. The Farmington team sold root beer floats, hot dogs and other food items.

Freshman Dakota Niemi said they were raising money for parts and travel expenses.

Seniors Hallie Pike and Chris Marshall were kept busy creating frosty drinks.

“We’re kind of busy right now. That’s a good thing,” Pike said mid-morning.

Also helping was eighth grade student Kole Cousineau who is part of the LEGO League team at the middle school.


At the Apple Pumpkin Festival held Saturday in Livermore Falls, Betsy Mancine of Sunrise Maple Farm in Wilton at left was seen discussing her products with visitors. (Pam Harnden/Franklin Journal)

Sunrise Maple Farm of Wilton had a booth featuring maple syrup in various containers and products made from maple syrup.

Across the way, an antique engine drew attention from men and women alike. Owen Timberlake, owner of Rusty Gold Farm in Farmington, said it was a 1907 hit-and-miss engine that his family used for farming.

“My dad used it for a cordwood saw. At one point we ran a wood splitter with it,” he said.

Saturday at the Apple Pumpkin Festival in Livermore Falls Owen Timberlake, owner of Rusty Gold Farm in Farmington, is seen with a 1907 hit-and-miss engine. He specializes in rare, antique equipment sales and restoration. (Pam Harnden/Franklin Journal)

The Apple Pumpkin Festival is a program of the Jay-Livermore-Livermore Falls Chamber of Commerce. This year the Jay-Livermore Falls Lions Club provided hours of volunteer help setting up for the event.

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