On April 3 and 4, Trinity Catholic’s play, “The Tale of Snow White,” the cast put on two great performances. On both nights, the outcome was amazing as people came to watch the play. The lights were turned down and the curtains came up.

The play began with bickering children, Peggy Sue, played by Emily Albert, and Josh, played by Stephen Lolmaugh, as the mother, played by Kim Morin, ends the arguing by reading the “Story of Snow White.”

The story begins with Snow White running away and staying with the Seven Dwarfs because the Evil Queen, played by Kate Sawyer, wants her dead. The Huntsman, played by Jordan Lansley, was supposed to kill Snow White, but then lies to the Queen. When the Queen hears that Snow White is still alive, she takes matters into her own hands. After two failed attempts to kill Snow White, the Queen finally succeeds and Snow White is laid in her coffin.

After a while, the Prince, played by Marc Oshansky, comes along and awakens Snow White, and of course, the two of them get married and live happily ever after. The play, directed by Mrs. Lori Rioux, was great fun to present and many people enjoyed a great performance.

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