LISBON – The Junior Volunteer Program is alive and well and growing at Lisbon Community School.

The program dates back to the yard sale efforts at Lisbon Elementary School in 2005. Adult volunteers recruited their children to assist during the sale, and today Junior Volunteers assist with numerous projects throughout the school year, including the Volunteer/Appreciation Dinner Theater Night at the end of each school year. During the summer, Junior Volunteers help teachers prepare classrooms for fall.

“The Junior Volunteer Program models the program we offer for adult volunteers at Lisbon Community School, Philip W. Sugg Middle School and Lisbon High School. The junior program is designed to offer volunteers experience within the school during approved times by teachers and parents, said Monica Millhime, community resource and volunteer coordinator for the Lisbon School Department.

She said, “All students in the program must maintain good grades, homework assignments, exhibit good citizenship values, follow the guidelines put forth by the volunteer program, maintain an accurate record of areas of assistance and time allotted to each assignment. Students are provided with a volunteer badge and are eligible for the President’s National Volunteer Award after 50 hours of service during the year.”

According to Millhime, “Students must attend a training session prior to assisting as a JV.”

Students complete a resource survey indicating the areas of assistance they would like to be involved with as a junior volunteer. Students can assist in a variety of capacities during a recess. Many teachers in the lower grades welcome junior volunteers as reading buddies and they assist in library, music and art classes.

“Our volunteers contribute a precious and valuable commodity to our students – their time. The example our adult volunteers put forth to their children and grandchildren is to be admired. We are fortunate to have volunteers from all walks of life, both genders, different levels of education, various career experiences and from different parts of the country assisting us in our schools,” said Millhime. “Volunteers truly make a difference in a child’s educational journey.”

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