CANTON — Regional School Unit 56 director Anne Chamberlin of Canton told selectmen Thursday night that the $12.28 million budget for 2018-19 budget is less than this fiscal year, but local assessments will be higher because town valuations went up and the state is decreasing its funding.

Superintendent Pam Doyen said Friday that if the budgets for this fiscal year and the next were compared on equal footing, the 2018-19 budget is about 1.5 percent more.

That’s because the state Department of Education is sending money for vocational education directly to those schools, not to the school districts, she said.

“It’s almost $900,000 not coming in and out of our budget,” she said.

The 2017-18 budget is $12.96 million.

Chamberlin told selectmen that no academic programs or staff positions were cut, but directors were concerned because of cuts for school supplies. “When you cut supplies you’re asking teachers to buy them,” she said.


Selectman Russell Adams asked Chamberlin if the school board was able to fund junior varsity sports for next year.

She said they were not. The junior varsity baseball team was funded this year by community donations.

“I appreciate your effort,” Selectman Don Hutchins said. “I think if the school and the towns could get together and do some useful work prior to the deadline, and try to attract more taxpayers, it would be a good opportunity to work together on that.”

In other business, selectmen accepted a letter of resignation from Plumbing Inspector Kay Hawkins, who is retiring after at lease five years.

Selectmen appointed Code Enforcement Officer John Evans as plumbing inspector until June 30.

Cemetery Sexton Larry Wright was reappointed for one year.


It was announced that the Canton Recreation Department will hold its Spring Fling from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the Canton ball field on Route 140. Events include a dog parade and games and activities such as leap frog races, lawn twister, kickball and cornhole toss, Recreation Committee member Phyllis Ouellette said.

Regional School Unit 56 director Anne Chamberlin speaks to Canton selectmen at their meeting Thursday. (Marianne Hutchinson/Rumford Falls Times)

Canton selectmen, from left, Don Hutchins, Carole Robbins, Chairman Brian Keene and Russell Adams meet Thursday. Not pictured is Selectman Rob Walker. (Marianne Hutchinson/Rumford Falls Times)

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