MECHANIC FALLS – Stephen Goss of Mechanic Falls recently obtained his Eagle Scout Award. A member of Boy Scout Troop 139 of Minot, his Eagle Scout Court of Honor was held at Pleasant Street Baptist Church.

For his Eagle Scout project, Goss built a softball dugout at the Elm Street School. He joined Boy Scouts in 2000 and was involved in Cub Scouts for five years before that.

Goss received his religious emblem in 2005. He was the first person in his troop’s history to obtain the Paul Bunyan Woodsman Award and World Conservation Award. He was also elected into the Order of the Arrow in 2005.

Goss is Junior Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 139 of Minot. He is also a den chief of Cub Scout Pack 139 of Mechanic Falls and Minot. He is a National Eagle Scout life member.

Goss is the son of Walter and Sharon Goss of Mechanic Falls. He is a sophomore at Poland Regional High School.

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