PARIS – The American Legion Auxiliary 72 of South Paris has brought in new members recently and has achieved 100 percent membership plus four, or 127 members, who have paid dues, said Secretary-Treasurer Marilyn Ramsay.

The Oxford County Council meeting will be hosted at the Legion Hall at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 18, and public indoor yard sales will be held there on Saturdays, Feb. 4, and March 18. These projects and two dances were discussed when the members of the Legion and Unit held a supper and meetings on Jan. 11.

George Brown was honored by Post 72 as the Legionnaire of the Year during the program.

Recent unit donations include $300 scholarship for Jennifer Dowling of Hebron; $20, March of Dimes; $25, Salvation Army; $50, grocery certificates to two needy families at Christmas; and $25, Togus.

Money is being raised to sponsor two girls to Girls State in June at the cost of $200 each. Businesses wishing to help sponsor Girl Staters can contact Joyce Linindoll at 743-2564 or Marilyn Ramsay at 743-5723.

Each year special certificates are awarded to unit members who have reached membership in spans of five years. President Lillian Herrick gave certificates to the following: five years, Rachel Brown, Molly Flaherty, Pat Foster, Melody Hinkley and Jane Williams; 15 years, Linda Cooney, Elizabeth Cummings and Barbara West; 20 years, Marguerite Johnson, Hiljie Komulainen, Dannelea Taylor and Shirley Thomas; 25 years, Michelle Morrow and Sally Ann Schie; 30 years, Bonnie Fogg and Marilyn Ramsay; 35 years, Betty Paul; 50 years, Rosella Morrow; 55 years, Jackie Spencer; and 60 years, Florence McLaughlin.

Herrick also presented certificates of appreciation to members who had contributed many hours of cooking and working on the Tuesday night bingo food bar. Certificates went to Marilyn Ramsay, Florence McLaughlin, Joyce Linindoll, Marguerite Johnson, Virginia Gammon, Jean Lomonte, Mable Dunn and Pat Dyer.

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