AUBURN – The Androscoggin Retired Educators Association met recently at the Auburn United Methodist Church for the annual auction. Bruce Bell served as auctioneer for the sixth year. He was assisted by Hugh Keene; his cashier, Arlene Simons; and three members of his Scholarship Committee, Edith Savage, Vida Hunnewell and Elizabeth Bell. Committee members Helen Alden and Helen Levesque helped prepare for the event.

The auction raised more than $600, which helps provide a $1,000 scholarship to an area student majoring in education. This year’s recipient was Kate-Lynn Thomas of Lewiston High School.

In addition to the auction, members purchased raffle tickets on a sweater, handcrafted by Elizabeth Bell, and a basket filled with holiday items. Mildred Bickford won the sweater and Barbara Randall won the gift basket.

Bruce Bell, community service chairman, announced that Arlene Simons had devoted more hours volunteering than any other member this past year. He presented her a gift from the state MEA-retired organization in recognition of her service.

The next meeting will be at the Central Maine Community College Culinary Center at 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 9. The guest speaker will be Detective James Lawton III, who will speak about identity theft.

Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month in the fall and spring. Membership is open to anyone who has retired from public or private education and either resides in Androscoggin County or worked there during his or her career.

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