KINGFIELD – A Seniors-Plus representative will be at Kingfield Health Reach to provide information about the new Medicare drug benefit program from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19.

The representative will help complete the application process for those seniors who anticipate needing financial help to pay for their prescription drug benefit. The clinic is open to the public and is free. Registration is required; to register contact Carolyn Tranton at 265-4555 or SeniorsPlus at 1-800-427-1241.

The new program will begin Jan. 1 and is open to anyone receiving Medicare. Open enrollment for the new plan runs from Nov. 15, 2005, to May 15, 2006, but Social Security is taking applications from Medicare beneficiaries with limited income who may be eligible for extra help to pay for monthly premiums, annual deductibles and prescription co-payments under the new program.

“Many people will have a lot of questions about this new drug benefit,” said Amy MacMillan, SeniorsPlus Medicare drug benefit program specialist, “and SeniorsPlus wants to be certain that their questions get answered in a timely fashion. Now is the time for seniors to learn if they qualify for some extra financial assistance and we are available to help people complete the necessary application process.”

MacMillan and SeniorsPlus volunteers will be available throughout the fall to help seniors understand the program and complete the enrollment.

For more information or to schedule an information session for a group, contact MacMillan at SeniorsPlus at 795-4010 or 800-427-1241.

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