FARMINGTON – Visiting state Emblem Club president, Charlotte Mills, initiated one new member, Bobbie Bryson, into the Farmington Emblem Club 460 at a recent meeting, bringing the number of members to 136. Four more women will join the club in March. Mills also was the guest speaker.

President Claudette Merchant conducted the meeting. Americanism Chairwoman, Lois Barker reminded members that this is U.S. Presidents month. She read some facts about the American flag. Nancy Chase, community service chairwoman, thanked members who cooked for the John Pillsbury funeral. The club voted to donate $200 to a family which has an extremely ill son. Members also voted to make a donation to charter member and past President Linda Welch, whose husband is ill.

Jean Corcoran spoke of her weekend in Greenville at the Ricky Craven snowmobile fund-raiser. The money raised will go to five charities, four of which are in Maine. She said that the used book sale planned for February will be postponed.

Drug Awareness Chairwoman Sylvia Richards reported that a poster contest will be held at the Academy Hill School in March.

Shannon Smith said there are still tickets available for the Feb. 14 supper and Valentine dance sponsored by the Emblem Club. Judy Lane painted many hearts for part of the decorations to be used at the dance. The Longerberger Basket Beano will be held on March 21. Registration forms are available for the Maine Emblem convention to be held June 4, 5 and 6.

This month’s mystery gift was won by Teri Oliver and the 50-50 raffle by Lois Barker.

The club voted to purchase a horseman’s cooler for Farmington Fair, to donate $25 to the Wilton Academy Hill School’s Lego Robotic Team and $100 to Farmington Elks for their drug awareness program.

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