Dear Sun Spots: Is there any way a person who has lost their job and is losing their home can get help for housing? Where do they go? What do they do? Who to see?

Any help you can give will really be appreciated. Need answers quick, like yesterday! Thank you. – No Name, No Town.

Consider checking with your city or town hall to see if they have temporary assistance available for housing that you may qualify for. Also, contact the Maine State Housing Authority to see what programs they may have available at 1-800-452-4668.

If you are in Auburn, the Housing Authority is located at 20 Great Falls Plaza and they can be reached at 784-7351. The Lewiston Housing Authority, 1 College St., may be contacted at 783-1423.

Dear Sun Spots: Thank you for all the help you have been in the past. We have an elderly family member who is looking for anything (other than pillow cases) to embroider. We are willing to pay a reasonable price for them and pick them up. Enjoy your column immensely! Call 645-4519. – M.K., Wilton.

Dear Sun Spots: Again, thank you for your wonderfully helpful, informative column. It is always a “first read” with my morning coffee!

A year or two ago, you published a request for used greeting cards. The lady who wanted them was conducting arts and crafts classes, I believe.

I am no longer able to reach that person. Do you know, or does anyone out there know, an individual who wants these cards? I have a huge box full! Thank you. – Carol, Lewiston.

In addition to responses from readers, you can send used greeting cards to the activities director at the Chapman House in Auburn, who said they are used for crafts and other activities. Mail them to: Chapman House, attn: Sheryll Seger, 41 Pleasant St., Auburn, ME 04210.

Dear Sun Spots: In response to your inquiry about soap for restless legs, my doctor had me try all sorts of things for severe RLS. Nothing worked. Then a friend told me about the Ivory soap method. And it works, although I have no idea why!

Take a bar of Ivory soap, wrapped or unwrapped. Put it under the bottom sheet on your bed. Position it so that it is between your lower legs while you sleep. That’s all there is to it. It has been a real blessing for me. – RJ, Lewiston.

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