Dear Sun Spots: I am collecting business cards of Rumford stores to present to the Rumford Historical Society to keep for future reference. I will also give one book to the Rumford Library for people to use there. This has not been done in any town as far as what people told me in the year of 2008 and 2009. As of today I have 241 different business cards. I need two of the following business cards to help complete these two books, closed or open stores.

Cozy Inn Nursing Home now known as Rumford Nursing Home, both are needed; Abbott’s John Deere, Route 2, closed; Rumford Agway, closed; Larry’s Variety Store, Congress Street, closed; The Electric Shop, Congress Street, closed; Chandler’s Clothing Store, Congress Street, closed; Bisbee Store in Virginia (near Adley’s Auto), closed; Ye Old Rumford Center General Store known as Richardson’s, closed; Mt. Zircon Spring Soda Co., closed; Hargrave’s Store, closed; Bouffard’s Furniture Store, closed; Gazzatta’s Shoe Store, closed; Concord Apartment Building; The Z & Z Variety Store; The Newest Smith Crossing Power Plant; all schools, churches, painters, loggers and plumbers in Rumford; Teena’s Restaurant; CMP Company; The Elks of Rumford; Oxford Bowling Lanes; Sears, Canal Street; Knox Loam and Gravel; and any other business cards I may have forgot to add to list.

Please send them to: Thomas Hoyt, 74 Andover Rd., Rumford, Maine 04276. – Thomas Hoyt, Rumford.

Dear Sun Spots: I am hoping that Sun Spots can provide me with a referral for a local craftsman who can replace wood framed cellar windows. I have three windows in need of replacing and would prefer to maintain the wood framing (as opposed to vinyl or other type windows) as this tends to allow for more light, especially during the long winter months. If Sun Spots could advise me in terms of hiring someone locally, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you. – No Name, Lewiston.

In addition to responses from readers, while Sun Spots hasn’t had to call on a carpenter lately, any home improvement professional should be able to assist you with your windows. A few that we contacted that can help are D.R.S. Construction in Auburn, 784-1635; Aube’s Home Improvement in Auburn, 784-9948; and R.M. Cloutier Builder, Inc. in Lewiston, 784-1719 or 576-1981.

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