PARIS – About 25 area residents joined a statewide effort on Sunday to help families of veterans stationed away from their homes.

They met at the Veterans of Foreign War Post 9787 in Paris. Kerry H. Birmingham, the state project manager for Family Assistance Program, outlined the effort for them.

The Family Assistance Program and its sister, the Family Readiness Program, were created from federal funds to provide services to families of military personnel.

There are offices in Caribou, Bangor, Augusta and Portland.

Birmingham said staff cover phones 24 hours per day, everyday, to handle requests.

“We are referral and resource centers,” Birmingham said. “We are set to help with concerns of families in areas of health issues, legal and pay questions. Or maybe, we find someone to come to their house to shovel a driveway, fix a screen door or fix a wire for a family.

“We also make courtesy calls to families to see how it is going,” he said.

They also have a computerized data base of people statewide willing to help families.

The Paris group will become part of the statewide data base. Signing up in the area were volunteers from the three area legion posts, the VFW and retired National Guard members. Some have relatives serving in Iraq and some just wanted to help.

Norway Selectman William Damon, a former member of the 133rd Engineer Battalion of the National Guard, was the impetus for the gathering. He called Legion and VFW post commanders to get people to the meeting.

He was selected as the contact person for this area. Families needing help can call 1-888-365-9287 to reach the state-level assistance agencies. Area volunteers can call Damon at 743-6764 or any of the post commanders.

He said anyone is welcome to volunteer.

“Anybody who gives a darn about these young people being sent overseas can help,” Damon said. “In the summer families might be able to get by a little easier, but I think it could be harder for the families in the winter.”

The Oxford Hills efforts to organize volunteers was noted by Birmingham.

“Some areas are organizing, but not to the extent that Norway and Paris are doing,” Birmingham said. “There is an outpouring from businesses and individuals throughout the state.”

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