OTISFIELD – Gifted and Talented Program Coordinator Jane Gaskell-Fahey revealed plans to revamp the program Monday to the SAD 17 board.

“We want a new system in place for testing gifted and talented children,” Gaskell-Fahey said. “We want one that’s fair for judging who needs to access this program.”

Gaskell-Fahey said there is a state law mandating that every school have a gifted and talented program for K-12 by 2004. She said originally the state wanted that program in place by 1992, but it never happened because the state never funded it.

She said her plans are based on the state’s determination to fund the program.

Gaskell-Fahey said the district is lucky to have Helen Nevitt, president of Maine Gifted and Talented Program, working for it as a teacher and to develop a program evaluation. She said Nevitt had taught the gifted and talented on a university level.

Fahey-Gaskell said to date, goals of evaluation have been established; a steering committee has been developed; and a survey has been created to help assess the current program.

The survey is set to be distributed to parents, community members board, for a total evaluation of program, according to Fahey-Gaskell.

“I think there are people out in the community that are very interested in how we are teaching the children,” she said.

Fahey-Gaskell said she hopes to make the new system more comprehensive than the current one. Her agenda calls for a report to be ready by Jan. 30, 2004.

The board also took a tour of the Otisfield Community School and went into executive session to conduct two student readmission hearings, discuss a personnel matter and discuss ongoing negotiations.