WILTON – Whether selectman and former Planning Board member Keith Swett will rejoin the Planning Board is still up in the air. Swett agreed during Tuesday’s selectmen’s meeting to research the legality of serving on both boards with Town Manager Peter Nielsen.

The issue will be discussed again at the next meeting.

Newly elected selectman and Planning Board Chairman Russell Black wants to resign from the Planning Board. “That’s what I said I’d do if I got elected,” Black said. But before he resigns he wants to see Swett come back to the board, because several new members will be serving this year.

“I don’t want to keep the board in limbo. Keith does his homework. He does a good job,” Black said. “My resignation is contingent on whether or not Keith stays,” Black added.

Swett’s Planning Board term expired June 30, along with that of planner Mike Sherrod. Bernal Allen resigned his position due to health reasons, and Ted Keiler is expected to leave the end of this month. Swett said he was concerned about the legality of more than one person serving on both boards. Selectman Norm Gould also serves on both boards.

Officials reappointed Sherrod. Alternate member Sheryl Mosher was pushed up to full-time member status. Swett was the only selectman to oppose that move.

Swett said he did not like the way Mosher spoke out at last month’s town meeting in opposition to what planners had decided about junkyard ordinance changes. “When I walk out of here as a selectmen, whether I like the decisions that were made or not, I support the decisions of this board,” Swett said.

Mike Leary was appointed as a new full-time member, and Joe Marston was appointed as an alternate. Former selectman George Mosher was also appointed to an alternate position.

Swett agreed to work with Nielsen to determine the legality of serving on both boards. Officials plan to discuss the matter again at their next meeting July 20.

Officials also appointed Wilton resident Dennis Landry to the town’s Board of Appeals. Nielsen said two members are still needed for that board. He said the appeals board has only had to meet twice in the past year.

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