PHILLIPS – A little effort reaps a good reward. That’s the hope for a recently formed ATV club in Phillips named The Narrow Gauge Riders.

Club secretary Kathy Abbott said the club will hold their first official meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 12, in the basement of the United Kingfield Bank. An open invitation has been extended to anyone in the area who is interested. The club will then continue to meet on the second Thursday of each month.

The effort to be undertaken by the club includes establishing a vast number of trails within the Phillips area that will lead toward Mount Abram and connect with those to the south in Strong and to those in the north in Rangeley, Abbott said.

“We have to go over trails and get landowners written permission to make them club trails. Some people have verbal permission, but to be state funded trails, written permission is needed,” she said. “We’ll be putting in new trails, and we use some snowmobile trails but if landowners will not allow ATV’s on their land, then the club needs to find a way around their land.”

Approximately 30 members have joined so far, and the club has acquired six business sponsors.

The effort has its reward, she said, in that club members will be able to ride the club trails without having to get permission individually and once established, club rides will be organized.

The club also provides an education for members as they help make riders aware of new legislation and information regarding ATV travel.

Clubs, she said, are being promoted by state officials, and they are receiving more funding from the state for promoting and maintaining ATV clubs and trails. The state encouragement, she added, stems from the fact that regulations concerning ATV use are becoming much tougher. Some riders do not obtain permission from land owners and may damage private land.

The Maine Warden Service statistics show that in areas with clubs there are fewer complaints and violations.

“With clubs,” Abbott said, “landowner relations are much better. The club gets permission to go on their land, and the clubs police the trails, will fix any damage that occurs and will address any problems that arise. People in clubs who are working to establish trails will not be out there doing damage.”

Many clubs, she added, are joining the ATV Maine State Club, whose board of directors lobby for local clubs in Augusta and give them more of a voice.

Abbott and Lynette Howard joined the Sandy River Riders ATV Club in Strong in 2001 and were the only two members from the Phillips area to volunteer for the trail committee. They started the effort to establish trails in all of the Phillips area, including Avon, Madrid and Barnjums, a former logging community located on the backside of Mount Abram toward Reddington, she said.

Realizing the task they had started could not be done alone, they sent out more than 140 letters during the spring of 2002 asking for help to establish the trails, gain land owner permits and promote healthy relationships between landowners and users. The response was disappointing, she said.

Because the trails in Strong were growing rapidly, most of the club funding for trails was being depleted. The president of the Sandy River Riders, Bill Byrden, then encouraged Abbott and Howard to begin a new club in hopes of drawing more interest in the Phillips area.

Letters were once again sent out and signs posted around the area this spring resulting in an initial meeting. With Byrden, Jay ATV Club President Bob Beloit and local warden Gary Allen’s attendance and support, they realized a good turnout, were able to form the Narrow Gauge Riders, establish a trail committee and elect officers. Officers include President Linda Haines, Vice President Cathy Gould, Secretary Abbott and Treasurer Jaine Haines.

Club memberships cost $12 per person and $30 per business sponsor. For more information about the club, the officers may be contacted; Haines at 639-3188, Gould at 639-5732, Abbott at 639-3649 or Haines at 639-3011.

Requests for applications may be sent to Narrow Gauge Riders ATV Club, P.O. Box J, Phillips, ME 04966.

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