LIVERMORE – Homeowners here will receive only 89 percent of the $7,000 homestead exemption allowed by the state as the town is not at 100 percent valuation. Last year’s exemption was 95 percent of that allowed.

Since the state has a new calculation format this year, not all homeowners will receive the same amount either, as the exemption is based on property value.

Those with a just value of less than $125,000 will receive a $6,230 exemption while those with just value between $125,000 to $250,000 will receive $4,450. Those with homesteads of at least $250,000 will receive $2,225.

Town officials list 651 properties eligible for the exemption for a total value of $3,898,200. Of those, 565 are in the under $125,000 class; 84 in the second category and two in the highest one.

Once the complete revaluation is done this year, homeowners will again be eligible for 100 percent of the $7,000 exemption, according to their value category.

Selectpersons will meet briefly in special session at 7 p.m. Monday, June 2, to finalize the warrant for posting the next day.

The town report should be out Thursday or Friday, said Kurt Schaub, administrative assistant. The posted warrant will include one article, for the purchase of a highway truck, which is not in the town report as figures were not ready on time.

After a public hearing on discontinuing the Batten Road right of way, the board agreed to maintain access to ATVs and snowmobiles.

Ralph Walton, who owns land on the road, told the board he had no problem with the recreational easement “as long as they stay on the trail and away from our equipment.”

He said there is a clearly marked trail. “It’s dangerous, that’s why we’re trying to keep them on the trail.”

“When we get done, we want a road back there,” he said, adding they plan to develop it later on. He currently operates a gravel pit on the land.

Code Enforcement Officer Richard Marble reported trash on the roof of a camp on Brettuns Pond, a complaint about dogs killing pigs on Goding Road and unserviceable vehicles on Route 4.

The board received a letter from Livermore Falls Town Manager Alan Gove indicating there may be some changes in dispatch services as the result of the annual town meeting. His town currently dispatches for the ambulance and Livermore Fire Department.

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