DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am 56 and have just been told I have arthritis. Aren’t I slightly young for arthritis? I saw the doctor because of tiny bumps that popped out on the top knuckles of some of my fingers and because my fingers had become stiff. Only my hands are affected. Everything else is fine. I’m having trouble accepting this as arthritis. What do you think? – R.K.

I go along with the arthritis diagnosis – osteoarthritis, the most common kind of arthritis. It used to be called “wear and tear” arthritis, but it doesn’t occur simply from wear and tear. We know many factors that are involved, and there are many factors we don’t know. Aging, genes, previous injury and hormones are some of the known factors.

You’re not too old for osteoarthritis. It’s infrequent before age 40, and it’s most often diagnosed in the late to mid 50s. You’re at the right age.

What happens is that the cartilage that covers the ends of two bones splits, fissures and crumbles. The result is a stiff, painful joint. Pain increases with activity. Osteoarthritis most often affects the hands, fingers, knees, hips and the spine in the lower back and neck.

One form of osteoarthritis is more common in women, and it appears you have that kind. It happens in the fingers and hands. Small bumps appear on the knuckles closest to the fingertips. They’re called Heberden’s nodes and are indicators of osteoarthritis. The bumps are bony growths.

For most, osteoarthritis is a slowly progressive illness. Your kind might remain limited to the hands and fingers.

The arthritis booklet discusses rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and lupus. Readers can obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Donohue – No. 301, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6.75 Can. with the recipient’s printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: There’s a small pit in the skin over the riser to the ring finger of my left hand. It hurts only if I push hard on it. The finger has gotten stiff. What is this? – B.B.

It could be Dupuytren’s (dew-pwee-TRAHNS) contracture. What you call a “riser” is a finger tendon that runs across the palm to the finger. It’s the tendon involved in bending the finger down toward the palm. The tendon in Dupuytren’s begins to thicken and a small bump forms on it and draws the skin downward, producing a tiny skin depression. Scar tissue sprouts from the bump, attaches to the tendon and drags it down toward the palm. The finger bends and, in time, cannot be straightened.

Stretching the tendon might prevent matters from getting worse. Put your hand on a table. Keep your fingers flat on the table while you lift your palm upward. This motion stretches the finger tendons. Hold the stretched position for 15 seconds. Relax and repeat the stretch 10 times. Do this exercise three times a day.

If the finger reaches a stage where it can’t be straightened, surgery can free it.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Will you settle a dispute that has arisen between a newly married couple – my wife and me? She insists on squeezing oranges for orange juice. She says there’s more vitamin C in freshly squeezed juice. I tell her that is bunk and that’s she’s wasting energy. My family drank frozen orange juice. My family is quite healthy. Hers isn’t, but she won’t listen to me.

Is there any reason for her to persist in her hard-line orange-juice policy? – F.S.

Freshly squeezed orange juice has a little more vitamin C than other forms of the juice, but it’s not enough to write home about. Frozen concentrate has a more-than-acceptable amount, as do canned and bottled juice.

The only important element in judging orange juice’s vitamin C content is the expiration date on the container.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: During a recent physical, the doctor discovered there was blood in my stool. That brought more tests, including an ultrasound of my abdomen. The only thing discovered was gallstones. I have never had any abdominal pain. I feel great. My doctor says I can leave these stones be. I’m happy about that, but I wonder: If they aren’t removed, will I face future problems? – R.N.

ANSWER: Your doctor gave you good advice. You can follow it and sleep peacefully.

You have “silent” gallstones, ones that haven’t caused any pain or any trouble. Lots of people are in your boat. Only since ultrasound pictures became so popular in tracking down the cause of many abdominal mysteries has the extent of silent gallstones been realized. Just a small number of people who have gallstones that haven’t kicked up a fuss will be bothered by them in the future.

A typical gallstone attack consists of fairly strong pain in the upper-right quarter of the abdomen. Often, the pain radiates to the back, to the right shoulder blade or to the right shoulder. Most people who have an attack realize that something of consequence is happening, and they get to a doctor quickly. Even if the pain eventually goes away, these people can predictably be told that they will have another attack within two years. Seventy percent do. These are the people who need gallbladder and gallstone surgery.

Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Readers may also order health newsletters from

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