President Donald J. Trump has continued to show America, and Maine, that he is doing the right things for our people, our country and our democracy. Our economy is booming and good jobs are at last coming back to our shores.

Once again, he has kept a campaign pledge. His appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the Washington D.C. Circuit Court is not only a great choice, but a choice that comes right from the list of 25 names revealed and voted on in the election of 2016.

The president’s choice is, of course, a conservative. He is a conservative who believes in originality. That is to say, the U.S. Constitution is a blueprint for the operational success of our republic. It is not a living breathing document as some have suggested.

This new justice nominee believes that each case must be decided according to law, law that was written into our founding Constitution. He does not believe that judges have the right to force their own policies into the framework laid out by our founders, or modify our Constitution to fit their activist needs.

An interesting fact is that this nominee was hired as a law professor at Harvard by the most liberal member of the Supreme Court, Justice Elena Kagan.

Justice Kagan knew that Brett Kavanaugh was a conservative, but she also knew that he was a conservative with an open mind. She knew that this nominee was capable of interpreting laws and statutes in a way consistent with our Constitution, and then imparting this consistency to Harvard Law School students.


Elena Kagan will most certainly not speak in open hearing about the qualifications of this nominee, but her actions speak volumes as to the qualifications under law of Judge Kavanaugh.

It is my sincere desire and hope that old time democrats, the ones I grew up knowing and respecting, will get together with Republicans and support this good man for this position.

President Trump could not have nominated a better or more qualified candidate and family man. It was pointed out that during the nomination ceremony that Judge Kavanaugh is known by another name.

Not only is he active with his church in supporting the needy, but he is coach of his daughters basketball team. The team members all fondly call him “Coach K.” His daughters do the same. What more needs be said.

Rep. Richard “Dick” Pickett of East Dixfield is serving his second term in the Maine House of Representatives.

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