POLAND – In the kitchen, it’s antique signs and glass nesting hens. In the living room, eagles, more porcelain birds and Snowbabies. In one bedroom, Boyd’s bears. Another, dolls.

“There’s not one specific thing,” said Val Game, by way of explanation. “We’re just collectors.”

Tony and Val Game moved from England to the U.S. in 1970 when his company offered different diesel mechanic assignments in the states. In 1975, they moved back but realized within six months that England didn’t feel like home anymore.

A friend suggested, “Why don’t you come and try Maine?”

They did, and moved here with nothing. Their assorted collections all started in the years after that.

“She’ll say, ‘I think I want…’ OK, she’ll get,” teased Tony.

The couple, married 40 years, both work at Tambrands. He enjoys woodworking in his off time and has crafted shelves and cabinets all over the home for their collections.

“This shelf I had to put up this year because she had nowhere to put that parrot,” he said, pointing to a new addition in the living room. Porcelain robins, chickadees and ducks roosted nearby.

“I just love birds, I love to watch them outside,” Val said.

He buys her the pretty birds. She buys him eagles and race cars.

Lots of race cars. He had 1,003 at last count. Tony’s filled a good-sized room with them, floor to ceiling. The cars are displayed by theme: English vehicles in one cabinet, his favorite NASCAR driver, Tony Stewart, in another.

Of course with so many, even the keen-eyed wife runs the risk of picking up repeats.

“There’s a few I’ve ordered, they come in, I say, ‘Oh dang,'” said Val.

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